Na prvi stopnji se boste naučili:
Specializacijski modul Pilates reformer je sestavljen iz dveh delov in sicer Pilates reformer inštruktor in Pilates reformer trener. Spodaj vam predstavljamo 1. stopnjo Pilates reformer inštruktor, ki je sestavljen iz 2. modulov, vsak modul pa obsega dva dni.
1. modul 11.01.2025 in 12.01.2025
Day 1. –11 .1.2025
9.00-10.00 introduction, getting to know the lecturer and the participants
10.00-11.00 short history of Contrology. The story of Joe and Clara Pilates
11.00 – 12.30 the philosophy behind the work of Joe Pilates, The Principles of his Method
12.30-13.30 Lunch break
13.30-14.30 Core stability versus Core mobility. Integrating the findings and facts into the Pilates class. Injury Mechanisms.
Imprint versus Core stiffness and intra-abdominal pressure.
Examples through different exercises
14.30-15.30 THE HUNDRED
Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercise, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue, Building Blocks, Variations, practice in pairs
15.30-15.45 short break
15.45-16.45 LEG CIRCLES
Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercise, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue, Building Blocks, Variations, practice in pairs
16.45-17.00 Q&A, comment
Day 2. 12.1.2025
9.00-9.30 short review of the previous day, comments and dilemmas
9.30-10.45 FOOTWORK
Toes, Arches, Heels, Tendon Stretch, Running ,Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercise, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue, Building Blocks, Variations, practice in pairs, transition to standing positions
10:45-12.15 ARM SERIES
Arm Circles, Reverse, Shave the Head, Hug, Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercise, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue, Building Blocks Variations, practice in pairs
12.15-13.00 Stabilization and Mobility of the Shoulder girdle
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-15.00 LONG BOX SERIES
Pulling the Straps,
T-Shape Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercises, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue, Building Blocks Variations, practice in pairs
15.00-15.45 LONG BOX II
Hamstring Curl, Glute variation
15.45-16.40 Work in pairs
16.40-17.00 O&A, discussion, comments
2. modul 25.1.2025 in 26.1.2054
Day 3. 25.01.2054
09.00-9.30 short review of Module 1
Flat Back, Side Bend,
Running, Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercise, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue, Building Blocks, Variations, practice in pairs
Historical but not in practice any more : Round Back, Tree, Twist
10.30-11.30 ELEPHANT
Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercise, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue, Building Blocks, Variations, practice in pairs
11.30-12.00 THIGH STRETCH
Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercise, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue Building Blocks, Variations, practice in pairs
12.00-13.00 PLANK
Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercise, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue, Building Blocks, Variations, practice in pairs
13.00-14.00 Lunch break
Machine Set-up, Body Set-up, Movement Sequence and Repetitions, Goal od exercise, Teaching Tips, Imagery Cue Building Blocks, Variations, practice in pairs
working on teaching and communication skills, observation and correction
16.00-17.00 Asja teaching class
Day 4.- 26.1.2025
09.00-9.30 short review of previous day
9.30-10.30 PROGRAMMING A
– Class Format (opening, centering, dynamic part, ending)
10.30-11.30 Students working in groups, preparing 20min class examples.
11.30-13.00Revisiting in detail
the Key Concepts (aligement, anchoring, articulation, centerline, decompression, opposition, flow, Mind and Body connection, Powehouse, proximal to distal)
13.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.00 Asja teaching class
15.00-16. 00 Practice: students working in groups, role playing Teacher : Client
16.00-16.45 Review on
( Q&A, comments, dilemmas)
16.45-17.00 Fotosession